If you want to have your tech website on top on Google search result then you must have to include unique and different content. There are multiple free and paid online plagiarism checkers like Prepostseo, quetext, and Grammarly that will help to eliminate duplicate content and remove plagiarism from tech niche content.


Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the method or procedure through which you can bring your website on the top search option on Google. For this, you have to make a relevant search about the keywords that usually used to make a search about a certain product, services or query. SEO experts follow the instruction that was defined by Google to write and generate a unique and original piece of article and post on the homepage or in blogs. The purpose of that content is to bring your website on the top of search engine results and if your content is copied from any other site then you will not able to be on top search results. You have to keep it in mind that you cannot add plagiarized content and excessive keywords on your content. Google just updated its algorithm and as per new changes now the same or plagiarized content is not acceptable and cannot work to bring your site on top. With this, you may lose the position on the search engine results and even face the strict action taken by the authorities against you and your website as well.


content – Google algorithm

In this advanced technological reform, it is impossible to hide and mislead technology. Google’s algorithm is designed in a manner that can check and draw results within no time, and it is easy for a system to not only find out but to draw back such sites that have plagiarized content on their homepage. According to new changes in the algorithm, the system demands original and unique content to rank a website on the top of search results. So, it is necessary to consider the keywords placement, word count, quality, information as well as the sentences structure and use of words.  For writers, it is important to use different sources and techniques to make their content unique every time. Like paraphrasing, synonyms change the context of the same information or write down about something by using different word choice are some of the techniques that can eliminate the risk of plagiarism from articles. If you will not follow the instruction as per the latest updated and it is quite impossible to achieve or maintain the top position on Google search or you can suffer from the serious websites hits from the system as well.


to eliminate plagiarism?

There are multiple of writing tools and methods through which a writer can generate plagiarism free unique content. It is important to do proper research about the topic before writing and come up with a new idea. If your writing by yourself then make sure not copy or past someone else work on your article. If you are going to get services from the paid writer then make sure to give the proper instruction about what you actually require.     As well as there are multiple of online plagiarisms checking tools are also available that will not only help to find out the percentage of plagiarism and with this, you can easily eliminate this serious issue. Some tools are paid and some are free as well and all you need is to just copy and paste your content on that and will get a result in a few times.



Copying content is considered a serious offence and an act of dishonesty. Sometimes writers even do not know about the plagiarism and cannot able to identify it from their work. It is usual while writing on a topic people used to consult other sources or websites to get the idea and information. But the most important thing is how to include that information in your content. Plagiarism checker tools will help to find out the risk of plagiarism in content if added intentionally or unintentionally. Thanks for reading techfollows.com.

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